Published: July 29, 2024

And FUN was had by ALL!

The annual school picnic, a beloved tradition, was bursting with excitement this year. We rented Woodmansee Park again this year! Our event combined a delightful potluck with the fun of water guns, creating a day of laughter and joy for students, teachers, and parents alike.

The air buzzed with the chatter of friends reuniting and children’s gleeful shouts. We took our meals under the Roofed picnic area while the kids whizzed around with Super Soakers! Armed with an array of colorful water guns, they dashed across the field, shrieking with delight as they dodged and sprayed.
Even a few Moms and Dads joined in, much to the delight of the Kiddos. The sight of completely soaked kids was hilarious!

Parents relaxed on picnic blankets, enjoying the spectacle and the chance to unwind. Mrs Curtis brought sidewalk chalk and simple ring tosses for the children who preferred to stay DRY!

It’s a great way to completely unwind from a Testing Week and wrapping up a Summer Training Season.


Published: July 29, 2024

Categories: ATA, Health