Published: May 8, 2024

Have you hit the Training “DOLDRUMS”? DON’T QUIT!

Absolutely do NOT QUIT! Pushing through challenges is an essential skill for personal growth and success.  Do this instead:

1. **Set Clear Goals**: Have you set a Goal to be a BLACK BELT? A goal to be a competitor and CHAMPION? A goal to be an INSTRUCTOR? Goals give you a measurable and trackable Target!

2. **Stay Positive**: Maintain a positive mindset even when things get tough. So you lost the last match, or you failed your last testing attempt or your board breaks were not successful…. Focus on what you have succeeded at and keep pushing through.

3. **Seek Support**: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Can you come to more classes? Can you get a private lesson? Have you thought of getting together with a fellow student- a “study buddy”- and practicing together?

4. **Adapt and Learn**: Be flexible and open to change. If one approach isn’t working, try another. Ask your Instructor; I guarantee that they have gone through these Doldrums and hardships too!

5. **Celebrate Progress**: Don’t forget to reward yourself when you hit goal posts. Do you have your own “Cheering Section”? Look at your accomplishments when you’re having a dry spell.

6.  **Stay Persistent**: Remember that success often requires perseverance. Olympic Gold-Medalists didn’t get here without a lot of failures, hard work and persistence.  Keep pushing forward, even when it feels difficult, and trust that your efforts will pay off in the end. The only thing that keeps students from achieving their realistic goals is QUITTING!

7. **Regret** : Looking back over my life I see times where I gave up when it was hard or scary. I REGRET those times. I admit there are times when it is necessary to change a goal or adopt a better one, but don’t set yourself up for the “What If” part of Regret.


Published: May 8, 2024

Categories: Health