Published: June 17, 2024

“Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy”

Avoiding Idle Hands: On the one hand, keeping kids engaged during the summer is essential to prevent “idle hands,” a metaphor for boredom that can lead to undesirable behavior. To avoid this, parents can plan a variety of activities that blend education and fun, such as enrolling them in Summer Camps*, engaging them in sports, involving them in creative projects like arts and crafts, encouraging reading, organizing playdates, and exploring nature through hiking or gardening!   Keeping kids active and mentally stimulated throughout the summer months can be Fun and rewarding for you, too!

Avoiding Over-Scheduling: On the other hand, “Down time” is crucial for children as it provides a necessary counterbalance to the demands of an over-scheduled lifestyle. Allowing for unstructured time fosters creativity, self-reflection, and independence, enabling kids to explore their interests at their own pace. It helps prevent burnout by giving children the space to relax, daydream, and recharge, which is essential for their mental and emotional well-being. This balance ensures they are not overwhelmed.
Once Again, this will benefit YOU PARENTS! Remember: “All work and No play makes Jack a Dull Boy!”
Look into our Special Summer Offerings on our Website and here:
Take a Peek at our Turtle Summer Camp!

Published: June 17, 2024

Categories: ATA, Health