Bully Defense

Published: January 31, 2024

Bully Prevention? NO, Bully Defense! Bully Prevention? Nope! Bully Defense! Why do I say this? Because you and I have NO POWER to change another person. We also have no idea what is going inside another person- their thoughts, their home life, their ethics or morals -nothing! But we can do something about ourselves and help someone else…

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Getting Older

Published: January 31, 2024

I’m not as good as I once was…… Like it or not, we are all getting older. Remember being able to “put away food” and NOT getting fat or bloated. I remember being able to eat certain foods and not get extreme heartburn or other fun “Digestive Adventures”! I remember being able to bounce onto…

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Kung Fu Fighting

Published: December 5, 2023

Everyone was Kung Fu Fighting Sparring is a Sport! Fighting is for Real! But who wants to get injured while they are training and learning how to defend themselves? I don’t! I can’t afford to get injured, and I know I am not alone on this. We want adult students and adults want to learn…

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