Published: March 11, 2024

Don’t Skip Taekwondo Graduations!

Absolutely, participating in graduation ceremonies holds significant value beyond just receiving a belt or degree. Here are several reasons why you shouldn’t skip graduation ceremonies:

1. **Celebrating Achievement**:

Graduation ceremonies mark the culmination of weeks/months/years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It’s an opportunity to celebrate your martial arts achievements with friends, family, and peers. What if You didn’t pass your exam? Or what if your weren’t eligible to promote? Do you blow off the ceremony because you are not “getting anything”? NO! You come and applaud your friends on their achievements! This is how Students live up to their Class Oath of showing Respect for “My Juniors and My Seniors”.

2. **Validation**:

Running up to receive your Belt/Award is a moment of recognition for your accomplishments. It’s a tangible acknowledgment of your efforts and serves as a milestone in your life. For students who are not eligible to receive Awards showing up demonstrates “Courtesy for Fellow Students!”

3. **Memories**:

Participating in graduation ceremonies creates lasting memories that you can cherish for years to come. It’s a memorable experience filled with emotions, pride, and joy. Even if you were not eligible to Promote at a certain event, you are enhancing someone’s experience and helping them to celebrate.

4. **Family and Friends**:

Receiving your Belt/Award instills a sense of accomplishment and pride. It’s a moment to reflect on your journey and the obstacles you’ve overcome to reach this point. Graduation ceremonies are attended by friends and family who have supported you throughout your Taekwondo journey. It’s a chance to express gratitude and share this milestone with your loved ones.

Graduation ceremonies are more than just a formality; they are a celebration of your hard work, dedication, and achievements. So, don’t skip out on this memorable experience.

Published: March 11, 2024

Categories: Health, Karate